Last update: October 2, 2024

Ranked SEO agencies for startups

Here are the top SEO agencies for startups both in the United States as well as having an international presence. Learn about how we ranked these agencies below.

Our top SEO agency for startups:

According to SERPdojo, the top SEO agency for startups is TripleDart. The agency shows a very strong profile of working with a number of startups, including developer tool startups, fintech startups, enterprise/IT startups, generative AI startups, and many more. The long list of more than 100+ companies makes this our top pick for who to go to if you have SEO needs as a technology startup. However, one drawback to TripleDart is that they only rank 4.0 out of 5 stars from customers. And are based outside of the United States.

Our pick updated as of: October 2024.

Startup Specific
Employee Size



5.0 Stars

1-10 people

$4,000 per month




4.0 Stars

5-25 people

$3,500 per month



4.5 Stars

5-15 people



Growth Plays



1-5 people



Rock the Rankings


5.0 Stars

1-5 people

$4,000 per month


Key Takeaways

Here are key takeaways and what you should know:

  • Our top SEO agency for startups: We recommend either SERPdojo or TripleDart as the top two agencies that work alongside a variety of technology startups.
  • Choosing an agency to work with: We highly recommend that you always choose to work with an agency that can prove they understand how modern SEO works. You don't want to agency who just simply takes what they read online and are using your startup business as an opportunity to test it.
  • Newest SEO agency for startups: Our "newest" agency is Growth Plays, a very small boutique group of folks who are focused on technology startups and SEO, in particular.

Our top SEO agencies for startups

Based on our evaluation of the number of SEO agencies out there, here is who we would recommend working with if you have a technology startup. It's important to note that there are plenty of "verticals" under the concept of being a technology startup. From AI to healthcare. And from fintech to prop tech. However, most of the "startup SEO" approaches that you'll see mentioned are roughly the same given your vertical and/or niche. Oh, by the way, if you're looking for a list of SaaS SEO agencies, go right here.

1. SERPdojo

We are going to rank ourselves as #1 on this list. And that's because we've had a number of technology startups ourselves. As previous and now current founders, we understand how SEO and organic search is still widely used. Google owns 95%+ of the market share when it comes to search demand. And for any type of startup, there's probably great alignment with what you offer and the search demand that's out there.

SERPdojo score


Affordability score


Expertise score


The only downside to SERPdojo is that it's a relatively new agency. That's right, we're still small and new. However, there's some advantages to working with a company like ours (say hello to discounts for giving us a shot!).

SERPdojo SEO agency for startups

Some of the top clients that SERPdojo spouts includes Volusion, CVS Health, Oak Street Health, Geico, GoodRX, and many more. While these are not startups, Volusion still certainly stacks up on the list of startups. Back "in the day," it was trying to compete with the likes of BigCommerce and other players like that. As a result, they learned quickly that paid search only goes "so far."

SERPdojo is known for coming up with highly innovative SEO strategies. One's that can be reused across the board and also are generally "ahead of where everyone is going." If you don't believe me or us, definitely reach out and ask for a brief call.

The team has plenty of technology startup experience and is comfortable managing all of the most important KPIs that should go into an SEO campaign that probably needs to move at a very fast pace (much like you probably want your startup to move). We tend to track important metrics like keyword growth, impression growth, rank position growth, activations, LTV:CAC ratio, activations, NPS (net promoter score) feedback, and much more.

Here's our overview of SERPdojo:

  • Overall rating: 91 out of 100.
  • Benefits: Extremely boutique and capable of bringing new SEO strategies to the table.
  • Drawbacks: Not a very large team, limited in terms of additional service capacity.

For more information on SERPdojo, visit their website right here.

2. TripleDart

TripleDart has an incredible list of startup companies that it's worked with. When you go to the case studies portion of the TripleDart website, you're smacked with a long list of startups. Which is why we've got to put TripleDart at the top.

SERPdojo score


Affordability score


Expertise score


With more than 100+ startup companies listed on the site, we're pretty sure that they have the experience you need if you're a technology startup. They include HR tech, developer tools, fintech/CFO tools, data/IT tools, generative AI tools, and much more.

TripleDart SEO agency for startups

The only drawback to TripleDart is that they're not located in the United States. In particular, most technology businesses need a close partnership with their agency (almost integrated, if you think about it) to drive success. Time differences can certainly have an impact on the working relationship and the results.

Here's our overview of TripleDart:

  • Overall rating: 90 out of 100.
  • Benefits: Very clear examples of working with technology startups on the SEO front from almost every vertical.
  • Drawbacks: Located internationally, which can be a significant problem for many new companies.

For more information on TripleDart, visit their website right here.

3. is a newer SEO agency that's coming in high on the list for us. And here's why: they seem to be working with a lot of startups that are searching for product-market fit. In fact, as part of their case studies page, they even included which startups were searching for product-market fit and how they helped.

SERPdojo score


Affordability score


Expertise score


With customers like, SurveySensum, Retable, and other clear technology startups, we had to put this team on the list. One drawback here is that we couldn't really find any public reviews. That would otherwise tell us that the company is still pretty new. However, for a lot of startup companies, that might not be a complete deal breaker. SEO agency for startups logo

Another drawback and one factor that always impacts our score and review is where the team is located. It does seem to be a team that's mostly outside of the United States. And like we've said before, a lot of startup companies want that "integrated" feeling with their SEO agencies. As a result, timezones can really have a drastic impact on the feeling of "moving quick."

Here's our overview of

  • Overall rating: 87 out of 100.
  • Benefits: Pretty incredible examples of helping startup companies find their niche market. Which is a great benefit when it comes to growing organic search traffic.
  • Drawbacks: Located internationally, which can be a significant problem for many new companies that feel like they want to "move quickly."

For more information on, visit their website right here.

4. Growth Plays

Growth Plays is a very small and boutique SEO agency that's focused on technology startups. Founded by John-Henry T. Sherk, Growth Plays makes it onto our list just based on their pretty clear background with early and late-stage startups.

SERPdojo score


Affordability score


Expertise score


With clients like Lattice, Calendly,, and LaunchDarkly—it's just too hard not to list Growth Plays, here. And, certainly, consider us jealous in terms of getting to work with those fantastic technology startups!

Growth Plays SEO agency for startups logo

Much like with, we couldn't find any public reviews of the agency. Most likely, it's based on relationships and the founders are using their technology relationships to find customers. That's fair! Not every agency really has the time to devote to their public appearance. Especially ones that are heads down focusing on their clients.

The only other real drawback to Growth Plays is understanding the team size. While startups probably don't need to worry about robust and highly scalable SEO solutions. As startups begin to enter that "later-stage" part of their lifespan, they'll want a team that can scale with them.

Here's our overview of Growth Plays:

  • Overall rating: 86 out of 100.
  • Benefits: Incredible list of startups that they're working with. We love Calendly and Lattice.
  • Drawbacks: Not entirely sure of the team size or the pricing for their agency.

For more information on Growth Plays, visit their website right here.

5. Rock the Rankings

We really like Rock the Rankings. In particular, Justin Berg, the founder of the agency seems to really "get" modern SEO. Justin's agency would certainly be higher up on this list if we were able to see more startup experience publicly. However, we certainly found a number of public reviews from startups!

SERPdojo score


Affordability score


Expertise score


This agency is run by Justin Berg. The two startups that really stand out in Justin's portfolio are both Toast and Exploding Topics. Both of these properties really have strong SEO and organic search presence. And it shows that he really knows what he's doing.

Rock the Rankings seo agency for startups logo

Alexander Vandervert, CEO at Quiker left a nice public review on Clutch saying, "The team took control of their responsibilities and allowed us to focus on our other responsibilities."

The only real drawback that I'm currently seeing to Rock the Rankings is that they don't have a larger number of technology startups or startup businesses on their website. Certainly, this could be a scenario where there is more available upon request. Generally, we like Justin and Rock the Rankings!

Here's our overview of Rock the Rankings:

  • Overall rating: 84 out of 100.
  • Benefits: Clearly shows that he "gets it" when it comes to modern SEO.
  • Drawbacks: Not a ton of technology startups listed on the website.

For more information on Rock the Rankings, visit their website right here.

Most affordable SEO agency for startups

While many of these SEO agencies don't disclose what their rates are, we can usually assume that the base-rate for most SEO agencies is going to be in the $4,000 per month range. As a result, our winners for the most affordable agencies would be:

  • TripleDart: Coming in at around $3,500 per month for the scope.
  • SERPdojo: Coming in at around $4,000 per month for a scope.

Choosing an agency based on price is our biggest "no-no." Try to find an agency that really understands that you're going to need a creative and unique approach to SEO in order to get traction for your startup.

The "startup" focused SEO agency with the most expertise

In terms of the SEO agency who has the most startup technology experience, it's going to be the following:

  • TripleDart: Once again, coming in here with a really strong background of working with startups.
  • Growth Plays: With an impressive late-stage startup list of clients, we're going to put Growth Plays on the list of having the second most startup experience.

Picking an agency by their startup experience is definitely going to be wise, given that you're likely to want to "move fast and break things" when it comes to your overall approach.

Our recommendations for how to choose an SEO agency for your technology startup

Here are the best tips that we have when choosing an agency to work with:

Applying SEO for startups

It's really important that the agency knows about Google patents. And generally knows how to bring unique and new insights to the table. You're also going to need an agency that can "write really well," specifically for the types of things that you need to write for. Patents like the Information Gain patent (US20200349181A1) are important to know about. Does your agency know about this? Or are they just fooling you?

Having a really strong foundational understanding of SEO is key to find "the edge" in getting your startup some product-market fit.

Don't choose someone based on budget

It's kind of the "classic startup thing" to think about only budget. While it's important to consider, also consider what results you're really going to get. If you aren't "doing it right," you probably shouldn't be doing it at all.

We typically see startups wanting that "overnight growth" when it comes to SEO. That's not really a possible thing to do. You can't force search engines (or Google) to do what you want it to do. You can only influence these machines over time and continue to nurture the campaign into success.

Avoid the "we can do it" approach

Hey, let's face it, startup founders want that hands-on approach. And that can work to a certain extent. However, is writing your own articles really the best use of your time? Find an agency that knows how to take your insights and your unique perspectives and put them to scalable use.

Written by Joshua Davis - VP of SEO
Published on October 2nd, 2024
Updated on October 2nd, 2024

💬 Review methodology

Why trust SERPdojo? Our reviews take into account a number of sources. This includes public reviews, ratings, and each agency's marketing website to get an idea of their clients and their approach to startup SEO. As a result, this is a completely unbiased review of these agencies.

As part of this review, we reviewed at least 5 SEO agencies for startups and looked at more than 40+ public reviews in the process.

In addition, we looked at leadership experience, years in business, employee tenure, and notable clients and case studies as additional data points that went into our scoring mechanism.

🕵️ Fact-checked

This article was fact-checked for the accuracy of the information it disclosed on October 2nd, 2024.

Fact-checking is performed by a board of SEO specialists and experts.

Please contact us if any information is incorrect.

Other resources

Read about all of our SaaS SEO secrets on our blog


B2B SaaS SEO is the process of using search engines to attract software buyers who are also decision-makers within target businesses. Usually, B2B SEO has KPIs around the number of demo’s scheduled, leads created, and deals won as part of a sales or marketing qualified lead process (SQL and MQL).

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SaaS SEO Budgets

Common SaaS SEO budgets begin on the low side at $30,000 and can go to as high of an investment as $600,000 or more. The variance in budgets can be largely determined by the SEO strategy itself, the size of the SaaS business, and the expectations of the ROAS (return on advertising spend).

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SaaS SEO Checklist

To ensure you’re publishing and releasing pages or pieces of content that will perform best for SaaS SEO, you should always consider the alignment of what you’re discussing in accordance with the software buyer’s journey (top-of-funnel, mid-funnel, and bottom-of-funnel) and their expected needs.

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Strategies for Startups

Startups have one big problem they’re dealing with daily: get to product-market fit. That’s the concept that they have a product, a market, and they see traction. If you’re a founder, you already know this. SEO, specifically for SaaS startups, still works in 2024 and it’ll work into 2025 and beyond.

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SaaS SEO Roadmap

A SaaS SEO roadmap is a structured strategy with a set time limit and outcomes expected, plus activities that are aimed at achieving those outcomes in that given amount of time. For example, a SaaS SEO roadmap that is 6-months long will contain different tactical components of the strategy.

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Common SaaS SEO KPIs and metrics include rank position, impressions, clicks, trial signups, demo’s scheduled, and new customers. There are a number of other SaaS SEO metrics that can be measured to determine the effectiveness of organic search as a channel. These KPIs are critical for SaaS companies.

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Truth in numbers.

We believe that SEO, in combination with a robust omnichannel marketing strategy, can create incredible product-led growth engines perfect for B2B, B2C, and enterprise SaaS (software as a service) businesses.


In market value created for our clients.


Average MRR/ARR growth from SEO.


Average ROAS from SEO initiatives.

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